The District 107 Spring Conference will take place in Porto, Portugal, on 18 and 19 May 2024!
It’s the highest point in the Toastmasters Year, where the official speech contests will take place and where we will choose the District Leaders for 2024-2025.
Also we will have activities Friday 17, so come early to be with your friends from Toastmasters and get to know even more the City of Porto.
It will be a wonderful opportunity for us to
CELEBRATE TOGETHER the 100 Years of Toastmasters International!

Celebrating Together



Morning and Afternoon activities, are not
included in the Conference Ticket.
Please send the information regarding the Contests to the
Contest Chair of the Conference - Sofia Marques
anasofia2492 at gmail.com
From OPO airport to Porto City Center Trindade
Quick Guide
Leadership Path

Communication Path

We are preparing...
- The International Speech Contest!
- More Speech and Evaluation contest!
- The DCM - District Council meeting!
- Keynote speeches!
- A gala dinner!
- Toastmasters 100 years Celebration moments
- Workshops on various topics!
- and more...
The International Speech Contest: this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for: six contestants, one from each Division, will go on stage and compete to get to the finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking!
Other speech contests: we will also have official speech contests in Portuguese, Spanish, and French. These are the District finals!
Evaluation contest in English: this year we are reviving this kind of contest in which evaluators are judged!
The District Council meeting: this is a meeting of District and Club officers where, among other things, the District Officers for 2024-2025 will be elected. Club Presidents, Vice Presidents of Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and the District Core team will vote and everyone else may attend and watch! The meeting itself will be conducted online but we will meet in person at the conference site.
Keynote speeches: there will be fantastic keynote speeches that will leave no one untouched!
Gala Dinner: Time travel and dress up like is the 20´s. It´s time for partyyyyy!
After dinner the winner of the International, Portuguese, Spanish and French Speech Contests and Evaluation Contest will be announced and the party will continue!
Whatever you do, don’t make other plans for Saturday night - you’d be crazy to miss this!
Workshops: on Sunday morning there will be useful workshops about Toastmasters-related topics - and then some non-related too. This is another great opportunity to learn from other fellow Toastmasters who are very experienced in their fields of expertise.
- LAST UPDATE 02/04/2024 -

Are you excited?
Then register now for the
Spring Conference by
filling out this form!
- For Toastmasters
Regular Bird - Starts 1 March 2024
Full Package 155€ - Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshops, Gala dinner and Saturday lunch
Small Package 105€ - Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshops and Saturday lunch
Gala Dinner 55€ - Gala Dinner only
- For Non Toastmasters
General Public - All non Toastmasters that wish attend the full Spring Conference
General Public Regular Bird - Starts 1 March 2024
Full Package 155€ - Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshops, Gala dinner and Saturday lunch
Small Package 105€ - Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshopk and Saturday lunch
Gala Dinner 55€ - Gala Dinner only
Contest Ticket - Only for non Toastmasters that wish to attend the Speech and Evaluation Contests
Contest Ticket 15€ - Speech and Evaluation Contest and Saturday Afternoon Coffe-Break
The owner of the Contest Ticket (ticket for non Toastmasters) is not allowed to participate in any Conference activity outside the Speech and Evaluation Contests during Saturday Afternoon. That includes Saturday morning activities and Sunday morning workshops.
BANK NAME - Revolut
IBAN: LT27 3250 0857 7994 2265
Please note: as this is a "European Transfer" you may have to choose that option when you carry out the transfer.
Refund policy for tickets:
- If you bought a ticket but you can’t come to the conference, we may refund you:
o Full refund for requests received until 26 April
o 50% refund for requests between 27 April and 10 May
o After 10 May no refunds will be given.
o We may, at any moment, transfer your ticket to another person. Ask that person to register if they haven’t yet and send us an email with the new person’s name and email address and we will transfer the ticket.
- All refunds will be net of transfer and processing costs.
- Questions? Send us an email to d107springconferenceporto2024@gmail.com
We hope that you come to Porto and CELEBRATE TOGETHER the 100 Years of Toastmasters International!
Hope to see you in May.
The Conference Chair,
Sérgio Águia

Celebrating Together
Conference Venue
Gala Dinner
Distance from Conference Venue by car - 10 to 15 minutes
Gala Dinner Dress Code: Roaring 20´s

🎩✨ Step Back in Time! Join Us for an Unforgettable Gala Dinner at District 107 Spring Conference in Porto! ✨🎩
🎷 Get ready to swing in the Roaring 20´s! 🎷
Let the glitz and glamour of the 1920s take over in an evening of style, charm, and endless excitement!
🎶 Dress Code: Roaring 20´s! 🥂
Let the glitz and glamour of the 1920s take over in an evening of style, charm, and endless excitement!
Ladies, don your most glamorous dresses and dazzling accessories. Gentlemen, don your sharpest suits, bowler hats and fedoras.
Let's turn back the clock and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Organizing Team

Sérgio Águia

Mafalda Guimarães

Sílvia Vilas

Rafael Marques

Luis Marrana

Norberto Amaral

Sofia Marques

Catarina Cardão