District Leadership Commitee
Do you want to be a leader in Toastmasters?
It is time for you to go further in your leadership journey. Read the information below, and follow the process to apply for a position.
You are invited to present your application or nominate another Toastmasters member to become a District Officer for the term 2025/2026.
Be quick, as the last day to present your application is 31st January, 2025!​
Available Positions
The positions available at the moment are the following:
Appointed Positions
Area Directors
Division A – 4 areas
Division B – 4 areas
Division C – 4 areas
Division D – 3 areas
Division E – 3 areas
Division F – 3 areas
Division G - 3 areas
Core Team
Finance Manager
Administration Manager
IT Manager
Alignment and Logistics Manager
Elected Positions
Division Directors
Division A Director
Division B Director
Division C Director
Division D Director
Division E Director
Division F Director
Division G Director
​​Core Team
District Director
Program Quality Director
Club Growth Director
Public Relations Manager
Qualifications and Responsibilities
Do you have doubts whether you qualify for the role? What would you be exactly doing in a certain position? You can find in the following links different sources of information to solve your doubts:
District Leadership Handbook: a complete and easy to read explanation on what each role is about and also their qualification requirements
District Leader Competencies: a list of competencies per leadership role in Toastmasters
You can also consult the District Administrative Bylaws:
Article VII: Duties of Officers
Do you still have questions? Why don’t you ask one of our current leaders to know first-hand about their experience?
The following calendar was presented to the District Executive Committee and the District Council.
Dec 1st 2024 Call for nominations
Jan 31st 2025 Deadline for candidates to declare intent to run
Feb 1st 2025 Candidates interviews starts
Apr 2nd 2025 DLC submits the report to District Director
Apr 19th 2025 District Director publishes nominations
May 17th 2025 District Elections
Application & Nomination Procedure
Application Procedure
1. Download & complete the following document
1.2. District Leader Nomination Form
1.3. District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
1.4. District Leader Biographical Information
2. Check again your “Requirements for office” mentioned in the Candidate Application Form
3. Prepare a headshot photo with good quality
4. Send all the documents duly signed and the photo, to ipdd@district107.org.
You will receive a reply from the Committee confirming the good reception of your application.
In case some document or data is missing you will be given notice and a deadline for you to present it.
If you miss that deadline your application will be removed and in case you wish to maintain it you will have to send all the documents again.
At the beginning of February, you will be contacted to schedule an interview with two of the DLC members. This interview will have a duration of approximately one hour.
Next steps for appointed positions
If your name was voted by the Committee for the position you applied, the DLC Chair will contact you to reconfirm your willingness to be nominated and your commitment to fulfilling the duties for the respective position.
If your name was not voted by the Committee to be nominated, we will personally let you know by e-mail. In case you have any questions we will be available to reply within our knowledge and possibilities.
If you say yes, you have to wait for the Elected District Director to ratify or not the nomination for the role that will start on July 1st, 2025. It’s on the elected District Director discretion to ratify or not the nominations from the DLC.
Next steps for elected positions
If your name was voted by the Committee to that position you will be included in the candidates’ list for the election that will take place during the District Council Meeting, on May 17, 2025.
The election voting results are considered final and all roles will initiate their activities on July 1st, 2025.
If your name was not voted by the Committee to be nominated, you will not be included in the candidates’ list for the election but you still have the possibility to be nominated from the floor (Please see the Election Process below).
Election Process
The Election process is governed by the Protocol 9.0: District Campaign and Elections. Below, you can find some of the most relevant steps in our District elections. For further details, please refer to the Protocol.
1. On April 19 2024 the District Leadership Committee Report will be sent out to all District Council members (District Officers, Club Presidents, and Club Vice Presidents of Education of all clubs in District 107) and posted on the District website.
2. You will be informed by the District Leadership Committee Chair if you were recommended or not for an appointed or elected position.
3. The Candidates’ names for each position will be announced with a photo and the biography they sent to the DLC.
4. The election will take place during the District Council Meeting to be held on 17 May 2025.
5. There will be a minimum of one (1) candidate each for the offices of District Director and Program Quality Director; two (2) or more candidates for the office of Club Growth Director; and a minimum of one (1) candidate for all other elective District offices
Candidates Campaign shall be in accordance to Protocol 9.0: District Campaign and Elections.
“A campaign communication is any message, in any form (such as phone calls, postal mail, email, and facsimile) unsolicited by the recipient that promotes or publicizes a candidate.”
You are allowed to send two communications during the Campaign period only to members of the District Council. These communications will be sent on your behalf by the District Administration Manager who you have to contact previously to schedule when to send the communications. The timeframe for your communications are:
1. The first communication may be sent between January 1 2025 and March 15 2025.
2. The second communication may be sent between the announcement of the DLC results and the District Council’s annual meeting
All communications and actions must comply with Policy 3.0: Ethics and Conduct and Protocol 3.0: Ethics and Conduct.
Note: If after reading all the information contained in this document you still have any questions, you can address them to ipdd@district107.org
Forms & Information
District Leader Nomination Form
District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
District Leader Biographical Information
Additional Information
Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections
District Leadership Committee
If you want to know more about the District Leadership Committee, you can refer to the following sources of information:
Toastmasters International website
District Administrative Bylaws, Article XI: Committees
Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections
DLC Composition
DLC Chair: Vera Margarida Cunha
Division Representatives
Division A: Mike Monroy
Division B: Yolanda Goméz
Division C: Miguel Coelho
Division D: Bruno Afonso
Division E: Joanna Wakuluk
Division F: Justine Lafon
Division G: Othmane Laraqui​