Fall Summit - Workshops

WORKSHOP - VPE 007, Planning is not enough
Alexa Noble
Being a VPE is having a license to lead. It is all about planning, seduction and reporting to TM. You need to know your members, your target – the path to President Distinguished – and create the best plan to complete your mission. Join me in this workshop and get all the tools you need for your club's success!

WORKSHOP - Starting up your career as a speaker or new startup
Ali Parandeh Zandpour
Top 10 tips, to get you started: On your speaking Career or New Startup & dream idea. Whether you are starting a software company, Selling Solar Panels or want to have a speaking career as a side line business and generate more income, you need to understand the top 10 elements that will play a vital role in your success.

WORKSHOP - ​Cómo convertir el enfado ajeno en una herramienta para la mejora de tu organización
Antonio Gozálvez
Dicen que dar malas noticias no es sencillo, pero es incluso más difícil e importante aprender a comunicar con una persona durante su enfado. Como el conflicto es constante en las relaciones humanas, saber encontrar una solución aceptada por todos es clave para la mejora de las personas y sus organizaciones.
Cómo plantear el abordaje inicial? ¿Cómo calmar las emociones negativas? Cuándo pasar a elaborar juntos la solución? Cuál es el pacto vinculante de ese caso? Cómo evitar que surjan conflictos similares?
En definitiva, ¿Cómo hacer del conflicto una herramienta de mejora?
Te atreves a venir? No te arrepentirás.

WORKSHOP - What type of genius are you?
Clara Noble
Everyone is a Genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, you’ll think he’s totally useless. We are all born great at something, but as we grow up, people tell us to focus on what we are not so good at and we risk devaluing our Genius or not using it enough.Learn how to radically transform your time and your team by organizing yourself around what you are best at.Find out how to learn, lead, live and love in your natural way, and how to grow the Genius inside you!

WORKSHOP - Conquista la época de concursos con una buena gestión
Claudia Villarreal
Tienes miedo o dudas de cómo organizar un concurso de club, área o de división? Quieres desarrollar y mejorar tus habilidades de liderazgo? En este taller aprenderás cómo organizar un concurso con fluidez y eficacia, las mejores prácticas, las reglas más importantes, etc. Esclarece tus inquietudes y llévate herramientas que te servirán para conquistar la gestión de los concursos. No dudes en asistir a este práctico taller para que te sientas más seguro. Recuerda que gestionar un concurso te sirve para convalidar un proyecto de Pathways - un paso más para conseguir el DTM. Espero verte allí!
WORKSHOP - The importance of communication styles as a Toastmaster
Conny Oraby
My workshop will explain communication styles and how important it is for the clubs. That even a club has a communication style and that can be different from the board communication style and of the members as a whole . That according to this communication style you attract certain prospects. Even the way you introduce your club online has to do with your communication style. So it's important that you are aware of this.

WORKSHOP - Cueces o enriqueces
Dani Molina
El 80% del éxito de tu discurso depende de tu apertura. Y el 80% de tu apertura depende de tu Mentalidad y Actitud Inicial. En este taller destaparemos a los saboteadores internos que nos limitan y bajan nuestra autoestima antes de comenzar un discurso. Desarrollaremos estrategias y herramientas para enriquecer ese momento tan importante antes del inicio de tu discurso. Compartiré y practicaremos distintas formas y estrategias de comenzar un discurso para captar la atención de tu audiencia. Lo importante ahora es, ante tu próximo discurso, CUECES o ENRIQUECES?

WORKSHOP - Youth leadership program truco o trato
Débora Cerro
Cómo organizar un Youth Leadership Program en tu club o en tu área y no morir en el intento, trucos aprendidos a base de prueba y error tras haber organizado dos programas durante la pandemia

WORKSHOP - The Ultimate Elevator Pitch
Federico Navarrete
Have you ever dreamed of selling your best idea to someone ? Most likely you did! But you didn't know how to . This time, I'm bringing you an incredible #workshop where I'll teach you most of the secrets I have learned performing Elevator Pitches for representatives of CISCO, NASA, Microsoft, the EU, and many other organizations. Come and join us in our Toastmasters Fall Summit 2023 and empower yourself with the Art of Elevator Pitching. See you in November!

WORKSHOP - - Gestiona tu club como si fuera una empresa.
Hicham Benzekri
El objetivo de este taller es enseñar nuestras estrategias de gestión eficiente del club y los métodos que nos permitieron duplicar el número de socios con menos esfuerzo, así como crear un ambiente dinámico y motivador entre los miembros del club, convirtiéndolo en un lugar donde disfrutamos del aprendizaje y el crecimiento

WORKSHOP - Leadership tips to take advantage of the leadershaper
Izidro Sousa
But what does that really mean to our members?
Many of us may not fully grasp how Toastmasters can shape our leadership skills. It's not just about communication; leadership is a multifaceted journey. It involves understanding what leadership truly entails, developing the necessary qualities, and honing those often underestimated, intangible skills that make a great leader.
Drawing from my experience in Toastmasters, where I have served as VPPR, VPM, VPE, President, Area Director, and Division Director, and from my professional experience leading teams and departments for over 15 years, as well as my participation in various leadership programs before joining Toastmasters, I recognize the immense value that officer roles bring to the development of leadership skills.
This workshop aims to help you leverage these roles to your advantage so that you can truly enhance your leadership abilities.

WORKSHOP - How to be heard
Jessica Breitenfeld
Join us:
1-How to interrupt politely in English.
2-How to put down boundaries.
3- How to get your ideas the respect they deserve with loud personalities.
You will explore your personality type and 3 tips on how to adapt and lead in small groups with popular techniques from a loud American (I am actually Canadian...but...) Join the fun!

WORKSHOP - From Bland to Bold: How to be expressive on stage
Kamila Brion
Back by popular demand! If you missed this workshop at the last conference, this is the final opportunity to attend and, as described by one of the participants: “wave your arms around like a lunatic”
In this interactive to the extreme workshop we have fun and games borrowing exercises from actors to develop an unshakable presence on stage. We’ll be pushing through limitations to let our true potential out and to allow our light to shine. Tons of laughter guaranteed and the experience may even take you out of your comfort zone…

WORKSHOP - Let your body speak
Kristen de Bouter
The ‘get-involved’ workshop. Just make sure you bring your body and a bucket of energy!
Enough already of amazing words, pretty sentences and impressive speech structures. This workshop is all about body language and your delivery on stage.
How to become more dynamic on stage
How to you use the space with purpose
How to synchronize your movements with your words
Let’s learn, move, experiment and have some fun!

WORKSHOP - Tu voz como protagonista
Lola Casariego
El propósito de este workshop interactivo es ayudarte a tomar conciencia del poder que tiene este maravilloso don que posees, tu voz, una herramienta extraordinaria de comunicación que, bien utilizada, puede marcar la diferencia entre ser un buen orador y un orador excepcional.
1 La respiración diafragmática con ejercicios de lectura para mejorar tu resistencia aérea.
2 La resonancia y la proyección con ejercicios.
3 Recursos expresivos: entonación, intensidad, dinámica, ritmo y timbre.

WORKSHOP - Have you heard about MINT?
Luis Marrana
Mint is about Mentoring.
Building mentoring projects to help members grow towards their objectives.
Mint is also a strong scented herb. It makes wonderful tea!!
Thís will not be about growing herbs nor about tea ceremony
Still there is a lot in common between helping members to achieve their purpose and the gardeners’ care towards his flowerbed.
Do you care about preparing the ground for growing members?

WORKSHOP - Jugar para liderar
Manolo López
Hace unos 6 años descubrí la importancia del juego en las personas, en las formaciones y las transformaciones. Y desde entonces he iniciado un camino de exploración teórica y práctica que me ha llevado a comprender que el juego ayuda a mejorar la salud de las personas, sus relaciones, optimizan el aprendizaje y aumentan la innovación y la productividad en las empresas.

WORKSHOP - The Magic Wand for Creating Your Dream Life
María Rivera
There is a way to create the life you desire. In this workshop, I teach a tool that you can use daily to get new results for your life, whether those have to do with becoming a more confident, creative speaker or cultivating your ideal relationship, career, or health objective. This Possibility Program is for anyone ready to make powerful decisions for their life that allow them to live deliberately rather than by default.

WORKSHOP - Creating a Club? Easy!
Norberto Amaral
You’d think that creating a Toastmasters club is hard - all those forms, payments and list of new members… But in fact it’s one of the easiest things ever. And I’m here to show you how!

WORKSHOP - Why is Toastmasters the place "where leaders are made"? Panel discussion.
Pablo García
Join us for an exhilarating exploration of the Toastmasters District Leadership landscape! Uncover the keys to unlock your leadership potential beyond your club, as our expert panelist delves into the wealth of opportunities. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and ignited! Don't miss out on this exclusive discussion. Your journey to Leadership Excellence continues here. #ToastmastersLeadership #DistrictLeadershipUnveiled

WORKSHOP - Slicing the salami
Percy Roland
In his deals in luxury real estate, things rarely go smoothly. Bad news are everywhere: offer not accepted, mortgage not approved, house not legal, client suddenly arrested or under sanctions!
How do you sell the unsaleable? How do you turn a negative into a positive? How do you prepare bad news in such a way that the other party doesn't freak out and stays on board? And how do you (in the words of Winston Churchill) send someone to hell in a way that makes them look forward to the trip?
In this workshop, we will analyze a few delicate situations and how different communication styles will lead to different outcomes. Together, we will come up with the best way of handling each situation. Because, at the end of the day, it's all a matter of slicing the salami.

WORKSHOP - Make Technology Work for Your Success
Rafael Marques
With the pandemic, clubs have gone through many hardships. These challenges either made clubs perish, or made clubs stronger. But the same can be said about the solutions employed by clubs. Mainly regarding the way technology is used. When a great technology is put in place, it lasts for a long time, and requires little to no effort or cost for the club. HERE are 5 (more or less) technologies you should be using in your club. And here is how you should be using them.

WORKSHOP - Liderazgo y tango
Roberto Santucho
Siempre me asombro al ver una pareja bailar tango. Dos personas se desplazan con gracia y elegancia por la pista. Se mueven al unísono, compenetrados en una única tarea. Crear juntos, el baile.
Cómo es posible que dos personas que muchas veces ni se conocen, puedan lograr esto? Cuál es el secreto para que puedan moverse juntas de esta manera y crear algo nuevo?
En este taller vamos a descubrir estos secretos y ver cómo aplicarlos al liderar un equipo de trabajo. Para lograr así, bailar con nuestro equipo al compás de una misma melodía

WORKSHOP - What a wonderful world when we see each other!
Silvia Vilas
Have you seen how much colour there is in the world?
And when people discuss about things do they see all those colours or only
black and white?
I think that we used to see, at least, some greys but in today
world… we tend to see only black and white.
What is your impression?
Do you think we can work as a team when we are having
difficulty in understanding others?
Let’s help each other see the other colours too?

WORKSHOP - Prevención de la glosofobia
Vicenta Llusar
En este taller abordaremos la prevención de la glosofobia, el miedo excesivo a hablar en público. El problema es de gran trascendencia social y científica por su magnitud ya que afecta aproximadamente a un 75% de la población mundial y se incluye en la clasificación de trastornos de Salud Mental DSM5. Vamos a despertar la conciencia de este trastorno psicosocial. Toastmasters es el espacio adecuado.
El formato es de carácter interactivo y te daré tips que te ayudarán a mitigar esta fobia.
Es un tema fascinante donde mostraré que incluso una persona extrovertida puede desarrollarla.

WORKSHOP - Moments of truth - The devil is in the details
Vera Margarida Cunha
What about the details? Do we really pay attention to them? We should...And what is our individual role? It's not a detail for sure!

WORKSHOP - Be different, be dynamic: how to unleash the power of your voice
Wolfgang Harbauer
Do you want to discover the full potential of your voice? Do you want to create more emotion in your speeches? Would you like to learn how to prepare your body and your voice before speaking in public? In the workshop "Be different, be dynamic: how to unleash the power of your voice" you will explore new dimensions of your voice, learn how to play with speed and pauses, and unveil the mystery of the turtle (and other exotic animals ).