The District 107 Spring Conference will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, on 14 and 15 May 2022! It’s the highest point in the Toastmasters Year, where the official speech contests will take place and where we will choose the District Leaders for 2022-2023. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us to BE(TTER) TOGETHER once more and learn and enjoy ourselves!
Do you remember the last time we got together in person in a District event? If you didn’t go to Marrakech last November or to Málaga in October 2019, it was at the Spring Conference in Barcelona in 2019! That was so B.C.! (before Covid!)
This conference is THE GREAT RETURN: we will meet in person in Aveiro! This will be a great opportunity to meet and make friends with other Toastmasters from Portugal, Spain, Morocco and other countries. We will be BETTER TOGETHER!
We are preparing...
- The International Speech Contest!
- Three more speech contests!
- The DCm - District Council meeting!
- Keynote speeches!
- A gala dinner!
- Workshops on various topics!
The International Speech Contest: this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for: six contestants, one from each Division, will go on stage and compete to get to the finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking!
Other speech contests: we will also have official speech contests in Portuguese, Spanish, and French. These are the District finals!
The District Council meeting: this is a meeting of District and Club officers where, among other things, the District Officers for 2022-2023 will be elected. Club Presidents, Vice Presidents of Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and the District Core team will vote and everyone else may attend and watch! The meeting itself will be conducted online but we will meet in person at the conference site.
Keynote speeches: there will be fantastic keynote speeches that will leave no one untouched!
Gala Dinner: dress up and come to the partyyyyy! After dinner the winner of the International, Portuguese, Spanish and French Speech Contests will be announced and the party will continue! Whatever you do, don’t make other plans for Saturday night - you’d be crazy to miss this!
Workshops: on Sunday morning there will be useful workshops about Toastmasters-related topics - and then some non-related too. This is another great opportunity to learn from other fellow Toastmasters who are very experienced in their fields of expertise. You may apply to give a workshop by stating that on the registration form.
See the detailed program:
Are you excited? Then register now for the
Spring Conference by filling out this form!
See here the Covid restrictions to travel to and stay in Portugal.
Full Package (Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshops, Gala dinner, Saturday and Sunday Lunch): €99
Small Package (Conference, Coffee-Breaks, Workshops, Saturday and Sunday Lunch): €65
Gala dinner only: €40
Refund policy for tickets:
- If you bought a ticket but you can’t come to the conference, we may refund you:
o Full refund for requests received until April 22nd.
o 50% refund for requests between April 23rd and May 6th.
o After May 6th no refunds will be given.
o We may, at any moment, transfer your ticket to another person. Ask that person to register if they haven’t yet and send us an email with the new person’s name and email address and we will transfer the ticket.
- All refunds will be net of transfer and processing costs.
- Questions? Send us an email to
We hope that you come to Aveiro and enjoy yourself with the wonderful Toastmasters community. Hope to see you in May, WHEN WE WILL ALL BE BETTER TOGETHER!
The Conference Chair,
Beatriz Duarte

Aveiro is a small town and most places are within a 10 minute walk from the conference venue.
Here are a few places that we know and recommend for you to stay!
Here follow lodging suggestions, all within easy walking distance.
More Expensive
Across the street from the venue
Here follow lodging suggestions outside of Aveiro,
with distance to the Conference venue by car.
Distance 2.4 km
Distance 11.1km
Distance 7.7km
Distance 12.7km
Boat Hotel - Distance 12.7km
Organization Team

Beatriz Duarte

Anabela Pereira

Sílvia Vilas

António Santos

Catarina Paiva

Norberto Amaral

Dina Ramos

Sérgio Águia
Please contact the organizing team any time via